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Precision Positioning Stage PPS-50LM
Linear Motor Travel 26 - 100mm High Speed (300mm/s) NanoDrive

Precision positioning stage with high speed and high stiffness with absolute encoder for increased resolution and repeatability.

Precision Positioning Stage PPS-60LM
Linear motor Travel 25 - 300 mm Resolution to 10 nm Load up to 5 kg

High precision, long travel linear positioing stage with ball bearings for smooth motion and high guiding accuracy.

Precision Positioning Stage PPS-70LM
Linear Motor Travel 32-100mm High Speed (300mm/s) Nanodrive

Precision positioning stage with high speed and high stiffness with absolute encoder for increaased resolution and repeatability.

Precision Positioning Stage PPS-110LM
Linear motor Travel 100 - 1000 mm Resolution to 10 nm Load up to 25 kg

High precision, long travel linear positioning stage with ball bearings for smooth motion and high guiding accuracy.

Precision Rotation Stage PR-70TM
Torque Motor Travel 360 degrees Resolution of 5 µdeg Load up to 3 kg

Compact rotation stage with continuous, unlimited travel and 1 in. aperture. Steel crossed roller bearings ensure smooth motion and high stability.