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Precision Piezo Stage PPS-50
Piezo Motor Resolution to 1nm Load up to 2kg Travel 26 - 100mm

Precision positioning stage with high load and high stiffness. Available with optional encoder for increased resolution and repeatability.

6 Degree of Freedom Platform X-BOT-50
Resolution to 20 nm Load up to 300 g Piezo Motor Travel ±14 XY, ± 2.5 Z, ±9° by ±10° Tilt

Miniature "hexapod" with 6 degrees of freedom with nanometer resolution. 

6 Degree of Freedom Platform X-BOT-120
Piezo Motor Travel ± 6 mm / ± 6° Resolution to 10 nm / 1 µrad Load up to 500 g

Miniature parallel kinematics positioning system utilizing MICRONIX piezo positioning stages.

Precision Positioning Table MLS-20
Stepper Motor Load up to 600g Travel 20mm, 40mm Resolution to 0.1µm

Compact precision linear stage with 20mm and 40mm travel range. Ball Screw driven. 

Precision Positioning Table MLS-38LM
Linear Motor 18mm Travel Resolution to 50nm 3N Force (Peek)

High speed, ultra-low profile positioning stage. Equiped with low maintenance recirculating ball bearings and linear motor for smooth travel. 

Precision Positioning Stage PPS-50LM
Linear Motor Travel 26 - 100mm High Speed (>300mm/s) Nanodrive

Precision positioning stage with high speed and high stiffness with absolute encoder for increased resolution and repeatability.