
Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) 10-9 mbar

Product Highlights

  • Motor Type:
    Vacuum Motor 10-9 torr
  • Screw Type:
    Stainless Steel Screws
  • Baking Temperature:
    120 °C
  • Switch Type:
    Sealed Limit Switches
  • All Parts Un-anodized



Our ultra high vacuum (UHV) stages are conditioned as follows:

  • all parts are cleaned in ultra-sonic cleaner using a vacuum compatible cleaning solution
  • vacuum compatible motors (10-9 torr)
  • optional encoders for use in UHV
  • cables with teflon insulated wires and silver plated copper shield for encoders, kapton wires for motors
  • all machined parts left un-anodized
  • stainless steel screws
  • vented holes or screws where possible
  • bearings, drive screws are lubricated with UHV vacuum grease
  • parts are vacuum packed with double bagging
  • parts can be vacuum baked at 120 °C baking temperature for 48 hours


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High precision, long travel linear positioning stage. Available with optional encoder for increased resolution and repeatablility.

Precision Positioning Stage PPS-110SM
Stepper motor Travel 100 - 1000 mm Resolution to 50 nm Load up to 25 kg

High precision, long travel linear positioning stage. Available with optional encoder for increased resolution and repeatability.